Q: What are your materials?
A: BEM Code Compliant Injection Foam™ is a specially formulated closed cell polyurethane foam with a rated R value of 6.5/inch. The material is similar to, but not the same as, spray foam. The material is an air barrier and absorbs virtually no water (its used for flotation in boats among other things).
Q: Are your materials new?
A: Our materials have been used to insulate water heaters, refrigerators, HVAC equipment and other manufactured products for well over 60 years.
Q: Are the materials safe?
A: Unlike spray foam, our process does not generate hazardous particulates. Air quality testing has validated that hazardous particulates are virtually non-existent.
Q: Do your materials contain or emit formaldehyde?
A: No. Unlike other injection foams, BEM Code Compliant Injection Foam™ neither contains nor emits formaldehyde.
Q: Have the materials passed fire safety tests?
A: When used with the Pinhole Insulation® process, BEM Code Compliant Injection Foam™ has passed fire safety tests with a Class A rating in our applications. We are not aware of any other materials that have passed with a Class A fire rating in these applications.
Q: Does your foam have a high global warming potential?
A: Some spray foam companies use materials with a high global warming potential blowing agent (a blowing agent is the ingredient that makes bubbles in the foam). The GWP of these blowing agents is 1300. BEM Code Compliant Injection Foam™ uses a low GWP blowing agent. The GWP of the blowing agent in our foam is 1. None of the materials in our foam deplete the ozone layer.
Q: What is your process?
A: Its a simple 3 step process. We first mask off the room, prep the walls and drill holes. Then we inject a few cavities to develop an optimized fill rate for the building. And finally we inject the entire building.
Q: Can I do this myself?
A: Our materials can not be dispensed without training in the use of the equipment, software and overall process.
Q: Who does the insulation?
A: Building Envelope Materials has its own crew and we are currently scaling up a few highly qualified contractors. Within a few years, we expect that there will be a nationwide network of trained and certified Pinhole Insulation® contractors.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: In Massachusetts and several other states, the cost for affordable housing is zero! Reimbursement is generally available for other types of buildings in other locations on a case by case basis.